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I know it’s a hard pill to swallow at first

I disagree with LOU, but after having small chat with some smart friends working in places I’d never be able to work at. we are most probably buying and diuluting the stock. HODL the amount your target and just HODL. stop buying for awhile we see how the market goes.

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
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  • AlphaWolf01 : I am sorry to tell you that we will be shorted heavily, we need more buying power be it FOMO, new apes or trader whales, all small amount is needed. Lou is doing it for himself, remember it

  • DayleyTrades OP AlphaWolf01 : Sit back think for a minute, is low volume really low volume? Double edge sword.. why AMC earning report people buying but it drops, like it got diluted. yes it’s heavily shorted. But what are we buying actually? real stock or synthetics. if it’s synthetics then we are the one allowing it cause we are buying it. So we should stop and see what’s their next move. see any settlements being made?

  • AlphaWolf01 DayleyTrades OP : What if I told you Lou has served time for financial fraud before? It brings up a solid point why we shouldnt trust a criminal.

  • DayleyTrades OP AlphaWolf01 : I know what he did before. Even before AMC, That’s the past we’re here to make money. Bro JP MORGAN was caught with 1 billion dollar worth of cocaine on their cargo and they are still doing goods. back to the play. So if you’re a hedgefund if people are buying and hodling what will you do? Since everyone thinks it’s gonna work? and you know very well the shares has runs out.. you’re the market maker as well. DELAY with more synthetic since AA don’t want to release new shares into the market. You as a corrupted shitadel what will you do?

  • DayleyTrades OP AlphaWolf01 : I don’t know what’s AA thinking now.. he gotta issue a share recall.. then we will know.. the truth

  • AlphaWolf01 DayleyTrades OP : Walk slowly to my electric chair[undefined]. But yes, the DD has been done, everyone is falling for division tactics.

  • MuscMoo : Do NOT stop buying, but consider buying ONLY on lit markets like IEX.

  • ur wifes boyfriend : hey I'm AMC all the way.. but thinking about the dark pool situation a lot of those orders come from Robin Hood and weebull with 50% volume daily going to dp. because of the payment of order flow. and buying an exchange that's lit like IEX they did have a small percentage of dark pool volume before it last time I saw a report. now is that because no one uses IEX as much as compared to Robin Hood and webull. because if we started to use IEX wouldn't the dark pool percentage change would hope so. but is that small percentage reported by IEX is because they couldn't find shares to fulfill orders. so buying shares anywhere we'll still have to go to the dark pool. I really would like to get a share account official one. is it too hard to ask and get it done? even though it doesn't do anything good or bad I would still like to have one done

  • Machiavellis3rdEye DayleyTrades OP : Why has this shit not been done MONTHS AGO? The solution is so obvious… But there’s always a reason why.  I think SHF’s be laughing at us, AND Profiting on both trends, since probably April/May.  
