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$BABA-W (09988.HK)$ Baba is holding very well despite the se...

$BABA-W (09988.HK)$
Baba is holding very well despite the sell off on Friday fear of new covid strain from South Africa.

It only so far dipped a little below the Wednesday closing price for US side and a little below China close on Thursday . We still have to monitor 2nd half trading day for China. It is still holding above support as of now.

As always, trade safe & invest wise!
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  • Investing 101 OP : Lol you can't cut us options when markets not open. But nope bonds are falling. Tech stocks will perform better than the rest in a covid situation especially if we go into another worldwide lockdown

  • Investing 101 OP : I don't short when it's near support. That is bad advice. It's similar to buy high sell low..

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP : there is a support at 129 on US BABA. Do take a look. When bond yields are falling, it usually is a good thing for tech stocks as people are more tempted to put funds into the growth sector as the returns are more promising.

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP : another lockdown is just another reason for the tech stocks to flourish. They do exceptionally well during that season. Hasn't 2020 already showed it to us?

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP : If it doesn't lock again, will tech stock underperform? I merely stated if it did go into a lockdown again as you said, it will only make tech stocks a much better buy.

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP : I doubt you'll be green if you are long on any stocks. Are you 100% short on everything?

    Now yields are expecting to rise due to inflation. Why did they drop 7% today? Let me explain to you in laymen terms, because people are shifting money out of risky asset class and moving it to the safe haven called bonds.

    Now when money is shifted into bonds, yields fall. And to a certain extend, there is going to be people. Who feels that 1% annual gain is not tempting and will move money back into markets. At that point, equities will start to move again and more people who had money in bonds will FOMO and start switching asset class from bonds to equities when they start to notice equities giving more gains than bonds. This is how the market works.

    In the scenario of a lockdown which I didn't say it will definitely happen, tech stocks will come out stronger than the rest. You don't need history to tell you that. Simple logic will. Unless we go back to sending letters for communication during a lockdown, technology trumps in the covid pandemic.

    In the event there isn't a lockdown, are you telling me tech stocks will plummet? Because my stand was, if the covid fear is what everyone is making people panic sell today in fear of another lockdown happening worldwide, you don't have to if be too worried for the tech sector. But in the event there isn't a lockdown, tech will still do well as it is part of our future. Unless you can convince me otherwise.

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP : After reading this again. I realised you didn't notice falling yields. Thus you were talking about expectation of yields rising when Infact they had been falling since morning.

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP : Wait, thought we were talking bout the markets? Wow this switched real quick.

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP :

  • Investing 101 OP Mr VWAP : Then we can end the conversation here. Don't have to reply. Haha. Most importantly I know you are short baba and it works in your advantage if bulls were to close out positions. Ultimately I'm on call option. Don't have to worry much about my position as it won't affect your shorts.

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