Host: How thoughtful! Why do you want to be a product manager?PM Ivy: It is because I was inspired by a senior PM at the early stage of my career.
He said, "What we product managers do is to use our products to talk to the world. It's like writers who use their pens to talk to readers."
I want to be a PM who dedicates herself to building a mutual space where moorers are free to have in-depth conversations and interact with each other. I would also like to get some feedback on whether I turn my thoughts into reality.
Host: It's very admirable. Can you share with us the development of Moo?PM Ivy: I joined the moomoo PM team when Moo was still at the primary stage of development. At that time, the community was relatively
quiet and empty.
I was like a nervous mother who want her child to be strong and grow up safely. When glitches occurred, it was as if my own child is sick, so I was upset and distressed.
Now, the community is active and healthy. The atmosphere is warm and relaxed. More and more mooers are joining us and interacting with each other. They are pretty active in there. I feel like looking at my child who is growing up day by day and achieving new goals. I am touched and have a sense of accomplishment.
UNeverSleppWell : I love this topic so much!! I also wanted it wasn't easy to make a product or operate product, I really enjoy using the Moomoo app!!
Gusa : Best insights always come from the really experienced ones. Interesting to hear their stories which are full of hard truths, pain, sorrows, laughter and humour.
Big mark : getting money
Teslaconomics : I am fond of the moomoo app.Cause I could learn and make progress together with others from this platform
Antony Kam : Interesting
Kiron Khor :
不请自来 : just moomok
steveCcc : It's really not easy
BeArocket : every day green green green
let huat tgh : Mooooo
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