Old Capital
True! The gap between growth and value has never been greater and will close at some point. I checked a couple of days ago and I think the valuation on value stocks in the Dow was 11x and growth sold for 31x, a gap that cannot persist forever, regardless of the earnings growth of the latter.
Carlo Bevans : How do you feel about near record high valuations?
Old Capital Carlo Bevans : The averages like the S&P 500 are trading expensively. That's not to say that there no bargains to be found and bought.
70621324 Old Capital : True! The gap between growth and value has never been greater and will close at some point. I checked a couple of days ago and I think the valuation on value stocks in the Dow was 11x and growth sold for 31x, a gap that cannot persist forever, regardless of the earnings growth of the latter.
只赚饭盒钱 : Do a good hedging strategy for individual stocks. If the stock market rises and falls, you can eat at ease
Jensen Philanthropy : Buy PUTS on SPY, buy on surge, sell on dips, printer goes BRRRR