Hiya, expected from this slow moving stock lar bro. 9 days down and 1 day up. Have no idea what Moon is doing as it’s suppose to at least reach half way to the moon liao but now still overhauling the engine.
I do too bro. I am holding more than 100,000 shares and my average price is still lower than the current price. Which is why I am still holding tightly to it. Now just waiting to collect my yearly dividend.
lclan : Don't u dare go downhill, spent all my bullets on you hahahahaha
Zerocool888 lclan : I think Singtel heard you LOUD AND CLEAR!
lclan Zerocool888 : Wahahahahaha but cannot praise the share. If not will tumble down
Zerocool888 lclan : Hiya, expected from this slow moving stock lar bro. 9 days down and 1 day up. Have no idea what Moon is doing as it’s suppose to at least reach half way to the moon liao but now still overhauling the engine.
lclan Zerocool888 : Hahahaha but I still have faith in their digi bank business, too lucrative to let go.
Zerocool888 lclan : I do too bro. I am holding more than 100,000 shares and my average price is still lower than the current price. Which is why I am still holding tightly to it. Now just waiting to collect my yearly dividend.