-- 413.210 NVDA
-- 145.515 PLTR
-- 81.715 AAPL
-- 222.870 TEM
Tempus AI
-- 54.756 Consumer spending on Cyber Monday is not growing as fast as it did last year. It reaffirms that many consumers had fulfilled their shopping urge earlier in the season. When all is said and done however, we still expect to see a record season and year for e-commerce.”
—— said Vivek Pandya, lead analyst of Adobe Digital Insights.
Tiggerpepper : Yeah I did
jun_war : good
Dartist : wow
Winner01 :
PandaMoo : Can't really feel it in Singapore, price doesn't extremely discounted.
102478565 : good
lingnh : k
Gibson Chu : Yes, I did
trojan1337 : like