chris from queens
this is the blueprint if the grave they are digging themselves, don't mind the charts the whole market is down hahaha they think they can blame this on the market we actually are somewhat inverse from the market...we knew this is coming, we are literally watching them commit financial suicide in front of our eyes...just hold and buy if you want and watch them do what they have to do...COVER!
phillyphan278 : lol this fkn funny.. hodl forever!
YilinXywfh : buy
StableFoundation300 OP : Hahaha you are funny. Rather hold for ever then having a corrupt system
Sabertrader39 : we all predicted they would dip it one last time before the BIG RIP. don't panic just buy and hold.
Moneymonkeysays : Sitting here laughing
chris from queens : this is the blueprint if the grave they are digging themselves, don't mind the charts the whole market is down hahaha they think they can blame this on the market we actually are somewhat inverse from the market...we knew this is coming, we are literally watching them commit financial suicide in front of our eyes...just hold and buy if you want and watch them do what they have to do...COVER!

Rudimentary : money I put in this I already considered gone. All or nothing for AMC.
chris from queens : of*