ChuaPatrick : They buy at 2.82 go US sell 5 dollars.
102678770 : Definition of Cancellation price is not in Our favour
102983645 102678770 : May I check what do u mean by definition of cancellation price not in our favour? thanks
102678770 102983645 : If you Interpret Hkg law about privatisation and the meaning of cancellation price, it means they will not make a better Price offer if this price is not accepted by shareholders
102983645 102678770 : I see..thanks!
101633766 102678770 : so it means we die die must accept else it would be no deal? I dun think even if we accept, they will up the offer $.
饭没吃饱 : So how should I do exactly to sell the stock at 2.82? I buy in the stock at lower price now also can sell at 2.82?
ChuaPatrick : They buy at 2.82 go US sell 5 dollars.
102678770 : Definition of Cancellation price is not in Our favour
102983645 102678770 : May I check what do u mean by definition of cancellation price not in our favour? thanks
102678770 102983645 : If you Interpret Hkg law about privatisation and the meaning of cancellation price, it means they will not make a better Price offer if this price is not accepted by shareholders
102983645 102678770 : I see..thanks!
101633766 102678770 : so it means we die die must accept else it would be no deal? I dun think even if we accept, they will up the offer $.
饭没吃饱 : So how should I do exactly to sell the stock at 2.82? I buy in the stock at lower price now also can sell at 2.82?