搞经济 抄底 加仓 : Omicorn^ after affect i guess. Hope it will be over by January ^2022
chris from queens : it will be over by this week or today actually it's nonsense...
AndhyLee : ok
Сергей Турусов : No, Short Space, 5-7 dollar soon
Сергей Турусов : 125 000 Holders in Russia, only Short to 7 Dollar
Shootingstar : Must be careful omicron might be mutated with hiv I read some news.
RageAndLove Shootingstar : I’d like to see that news please.
Shootingstar : https://www.npr.org/2021/11/30/1060185915/the-omicron-variant-might-have-originated-in-someone-with-a-suppressed-immune-sy
Shootingstar : Here you go m8. Not from this source originally and now there are many articles on the Internet which can be googled.
Machiavellis3rdEye : ELMER FUDDDDDDDDDDDDD. They have perfected their newest bagholder tool that’s all. Bit bad for one Year R&D.
搞经济 抄底 加仓 : Omicorn^ after affect i guess. Hope it will be over by January ^2022
chris from queens : it will be over by this week or today actually it's nonsense...
AndhyLee : ok
Сергей Турусов : No, Short Space, 5-7 dollar soon
Сергей Турусов : 125 000 Holders in Russia, only Short to 7 Dollar
Shootingstar : Must be careful omicron might be mutated with hiv I read some news.
RageAndLove Shootingstar : I’d like to see that news please.
Shootingstar : https://www.npr.org/2021/11/30/1060185915/the-omicron-variant-might-have-originated-in-someone-with-a-suppressed-immune-sy
Shootingstar : Here you go m8. Not from this source originally and now there are many articles on the Internet which can be googled.
Machiavellis3rdEye : ELMER FUDDDDDDDDDDDDD. They have perfected their newest bagholder tool that’s all. Bit bad for one Year R&D.