Dr Wickers
Anyone else ever see so many countries this eager to give so much money to one company? I might make this my largest holding. Another year like this and apple and Microsoft valuations will be in the rear view mirror
That's why Neal Peart, who could afford to go anywhere, nixed his native Canada and came to the USA for cancer treatment...all those COVID vaccines, treatments and anti virals just pouring out of Canada too...amazing...yep, leading the way!!! Woohoo...Lets not forget their economy is WAY overweight in pumping out evil hydro carbons...they're so nice...
Dr Wickers : Anyone else ever see so many countries this eager to give so much money to one company? I might make this my largest holding. Another year like this and apple and Microsoft valuations will be in the rear view mirror
T_shares : When it comes to health, Canada is often way ahead of the game.
Expect Canada to place a big order for the pfe pill soon!!!
Mooncity T_shares : That's why Neal Peart, who could afford to go anywhere, nixed his native Canada and came to the USA for cancer treatment...all those COVID vaccines, treatments and anti virals just pouring out of Canada too...amazing...yep, leading the way!!! Woohoo...Lets not forget their economy is WAY overweight in pumping out evil hydro carbons...they're so nice...
James Browny : And yes, it will be ready soon!