NAKD08:29 12/06/21
Cenntro completes inital production of Logistar 200 light urban delivery EVs
Cenntro Automotive announced its first Logistar 200 vehicles rolled off the production line and are scheduled for December 2021 delivery to European markets. The Logistar 200, or LS200, is a light urban delivery vehicle purpose-built to navigate European streets. The vehicle has a range of 190 miles, a one-ton payload and a cargo capacity of 247 cubic feet making it ideal for multiple applications including package delivery, hospitality, and catering, transportation, and storage. The initial production run follows the recent announcement that the LS200 completed all homologation tests in compliance with EU standards and requirements making it eligible for sale in all 27 countries in the EU, as well as any other countries that adopt EU vehicle homologation standards.
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