Macdonell J
LKCO has only less than 2 weeks to pump the stock price up to at least $1, or else will receive a summon from NASDAQ for the violation of minimum $1 ruling. The price has been below $1 for 19 days since Nov 18, Dec 30 is the deadline. Then LKCO will be given 10 trading days to submit a plan to NASDAQ on how they plan to prop up the price to at least $1. If the minimum price is still not rectified after 180 days, LKCO will be forced to delist.
Macdonell J : LKCO has only less than 2 weeks to pump the stock price up to at least $1, or else will receive a summon from NASDAQ for the violation of minimum $1 ruling. The price has been below $1 for 19 days since Nov 18, Dec 30 is the deadline. Then LKCO will be given 10 trading days to submit a plan to NASDAQ on how they plan to prop up the price to at least $1. If the minimum price is still not rectified after 180 days, LKCO will be forced to delist.
CherieK : Ok
70080805 Macdonell J : or reverse split? that's what usually happens then all how for 1+ is lost and we're fkd