You all notice a sudden surge in negative news? Yeap, again this is how HFs try to play down AMC that it is a dead stock. Ask yourself this, why would you keep shorting a dead stock? Yeah, it's because they got caught by surprise in the beginning of the year that WE APES bought so much shares (more than 70%) they are not able to doing anything about it as we are HODLING tightly to it.
chris from queens : it's for his kids and his estate because he really hasn't collected off of his company stock. he mentioned this in the last quarter report so don't worry he knows what he's doing... that's for some pressure on these bum hedgies today...
Zerocool888 OP chris from queens : I am not worried at all. I am more worried for those new APES fall for their dumb tactics. We need to make it crsytal clear to everye single APES that all FUD news about AA and his CFO have inform us they are selling way way in advance. We need new APES to join us too. So, if they were to read the wrong article, it may just scare them away. So every bit we do, it will help to gain more shares.