101847806 : unless you are buying more. if not switch off for 3 to 5 years, then turn on and sell.
天津小丸子 : because CPI up up
102489653 101847806 : what is CPI?
101847806 102489653 : consumer's price index. to check for inflation by the gov. they measure many daily items for the price difference from before to current.
MMMei : sell!
Love Durian 101847806 : Ya switch off….3-5 year maybe it disappeared from the screen.
101847806 : unless you are buying more. if not switch off for 3 to 5 years, then turn on and sell.
天津小丸子 : because CPI up up
102489653 101847806 : what is CPI?
101847806 102489653 : consumer's price index. to check for inflation by the gov. they measure many daily items for the price difference from before to current.
MMMei : sell!
Love Durian 101847806 : Ya switch off….3-5 year maybe it disappeared from the screen.