OPMcsnacks H Tupack
what other analysis tools do you use besides what Moomoo provides. you know how I said last year that I was continuously trying new apps for analysis because of this whole revolution of the retail investor thing. as you seen it didn't work out very well. I did better the two years beforehand. so I'm back to the basics and what works for me before I began experimenting. things are already starting to pick back up
I've gained info that no matter how much we buy or sale here, well never move the markets here @Mcsnacks H Tupack are you aware of this concerning commission free trading?
Payment for order flow brokerages are the worst! Citadel Advisors will buy MooMoo/Robinhood/Webull customers order flow and then use it against us!
GGT WSN : up up and away
Mcsnacks H Tupack : Yes it is! I’m at 19.74! Let’s run it
rawrrrbucks Mcsnacks H Tupack : Shifu what’s the PT?
Mcsnacks H Tupack rawrrrbucks : 28.00. Will take less than a million in volume to reach it.
treydongui OP Mcsnacks H Tupack : what other analysis tools do you use besides what Moomoo provides. you know how I said last year that I was continuously trying new apps for analysis because of this whole revolution of the retail investor thing. as you seen it didn't work out very well. I did better the two years beforehand. so I'm back to the basics and what works for me before I began experimenting. things are already starting to pick back up
treydongui OP treydongui OP : I've gained info that no matter how much we buy or sale here, well never move the markets here @Mcsnacks H Tupack are you aware of this concerning commission free trading?
treydongui OP : sell*
Powerplays treydongui OP : Payment for order flow brokerages are the worst! Citadel Advisors will buy MooMoo/Robinhood/Webull customers order flow and then use it against us!
treydongui OP Powerplays : i see you're aware of this. non conspiracy