Questionable Invts
No need worry, you're hold, financial institutions are holding by lending out their shares shorters and assisting them trigger squeeze, retail Asian investors are all holding because D.D. they did, am holding because all double Ds I buried my face in between. Plus its almost ending of year and losing out on being able write off losses on your taxes.
101799649 : Time to average down
NgHwee Leng : Cut it
GM 1 NgHwee Leng : You shouldn’t be here isn’t it ? To spread fear ? Buy when it’s high sell when it’s Low ?
baby-Ape- Ape : same
Questionable Invts : No need worry, you're hold, financial institutions are holding by lending out their shares shorters and assisting them trigger squeeze, retail Asian investors are all holding because D.D. they did, am holding because all double Ds I buried my face in between. Plus its almost ending of year and losing out on
being able write off losses on your taxes.
GM 1 Questionable Invts :
Zerocool888 : Me too holding on tightly!!! Wooohoooo! Those trying to spread FUD, it’s NOT WORKING!