韭菜炒西红柿 : Wait two days for the new model to come out and you'll know
david99tao : Yes, losing 50%
BuddyAPE : 50% too
FortuneMeow : 37%
Juxcy : I buying the dip.. Hope NIO day can rally good news
Day Trader 881 : Yes, Still Holding I am 44. Just Put 1 Side, Use Cash Play Other Stocks.
Desmond Choong : 20% loosing, keep hold
韭菜炒西红柿 : Wait two days for the new model to come out and you'll know
david99tao : Yes, losing 50%
BuddyAPE : 50% too
FortuneMeow : 37%

Juxcy : I buying the dip.. Hope NIO day can rally good news
Day Trader 881 : Yes, Still Holding I am 44. Just Put 1 Side, Use Cash Play Other Stocks.
Desmond Choong : 20% loosing, keep hold