102155273 : Yes short until 0.10
Maremare OP 102155273 :
Maremare OP Maremare OP : Sweating
Maremare OP : Up so fast?
Angel 42 : all the teachers said buy
Maremare OP Angel 42 : And they are selling. Everyone else is pushing the price up because of the promise. When it goes up it is slow, when it come down, it will be a one day 90% plunge at least I think.
粗旷的安东尼奥 : I'll take a look next week, I'll tell you if it's accurate
Maremare OP 粗旷的安东尼奥 : Sure about what? This stock plummeted to 18 cents from $3.80. Just a few months 95% drop.
Maremare OP : Just sell/short when it comes up. The only way to cover from my huge losses.
Riding Star : Pump n dump...
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102155273 : Yes short until 0.10
Maremare OP 102155273 :
Maremare OP Maremare OP : Sweating
Maremare OP : Up so fast?
Angel 42 : all the teachers said buy
Maremare OP Angel 42 : And they are selling. Everyone else is pushing the price up because of the promise. When it goes up it is slow, when it come down, it will be a one day 90% plunge at least I think.
粗旷的安东尼奥 : I'll take a look next week, I'll tell you if it's accurate
Maremare OP 粗旷的安东尼奥 : Sure about what? This stock plummeted to 18 cents from $3.80. Just a few months 95% drop.
Maremare OP : Just sell/short when it comes up. The only way to cover from my huge losses.
Riding Star : Pump n dump...
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