It doesn't matter that there are more than 15,000 cryptocurr...
It doesn't matter that there are more than 15,000 cryptocurrencies now and many with better technology than bitcoin. The fact that bitcoin had first mover status means it will reign supreme, just like Facebook was the first social media and it still has the largest market cap of social media.$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$
Kingfisherwood88 : wrong was the first social media .
bic mutney : it will go up or it will go down
Mark Moffitt2 : hangon
kat kukuuu OP bic mutney : up~
kat kukuuu OP Mark Moffitt2 :
tallie : Anyone remember friendster
student otg Kingfisherwood88 : exactly what I was going say..although I think there were others even before MySpace