MillionBull : Wish I could read Chinese
W Chiang MillionBull : He Or She was asking whether can enter
Riding Star : I am waiting for 13.88
Riding Star : If you're under 13, that's great. 13. 88 is the middle. 14 is OK.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP Riding Star : ok thanks you
Riding Star : Huge volume buy in. It will up once market open . Kindly take noted buy in your own risk.
Riding Star : I make a bet. Bought at 16.45
Rice Rise MillionBull : Can translate from Chinese to English, just press and hold on the Chinese words then choose translate
102235596 Riding Star : You think will flush at open?
Riding Star : hit 17. 10 with 2mins. Pull back to 12.93.
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MillionBull : Wish I could read Chinese
W Chiang MillionBull : He Or She was asking whether can enter
Riding Star : I am waiting for 13.88
Riding Star : If you're under 13, that's great. 13. 88 is the middle. 14 is OK.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP Riding Star : ok thanks you
Riding Star : Huge volume buy in. It will up once market open . Kindly take noted buy in your own risk.
Riding Star : I make a bet. Bought at 16.45
Rice Rise MillionBull : Can translate from Chinese to English, just press and hold on the Chinese words then choose translate
102235596 Riding Star : You think will flush at open?
Riding Star : hit 17. 10 with 2mins. Pull back to 12.93.
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