钱包君你要振作起来 : I've earned money
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP 钱包君你要振作起来 : I haven't earned it Wait for you to give me a head of health I've been locked away with tens of thousands of yuan, please let me know if it's okay
Krystle Ng : Wa
Riding Star : Wah. I want to eat it too.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP Riding Star : Haha, only 5 people
钱包君你要振作起来 : I've earned money
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP 钱包君你要振作起来 : I haven't earned it Wait for you to give me a head of health I've been locked away with tens of thousands of yuan, please let me know if it's okay
Krystle Ng : Wa
Riding Star : Wah. I want to eat it too.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP Riding Star : Haha, only 5 people