No time no knowledge much emotions
A vast majority of investors do not have the time, knowledge, and/or effort to look at the company balance sheet, fundamental/technical analysis, and follow the stock market closely. Perhaps more importantly, a lot of us cannot separate emotions from investing. This leads to the problem of buying high and selling low.
The quickest way to take emotions out of investment decisions is to take out investment decisions from the investor. Look at the stock market: which companies will be worth more than they are over the next 20 years? Invest, then forget. Not enough conviction? Invest in ETFs that tracks indices.
Remember, you do not need to outperform the stock market. You only need to outperform your savings and inflation rates.
The quickest way to take emotions out of investment decisions is to take out investment decisions from the investor. Look at the stock market: which companies will be worth more than they are over the next 20 years? Invest, then forget. Not enough conviction? Invest in ETFs that tracks indices.
Remember, you do not need to outperform the stock market. You only need to outperform your savings and inflation rates.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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