The biggest mistake I've made was to watch the stock movement closely
; my emotions was affected by it, especially when it dropped too fast! I tend to put in more money to try to average my cost down
! after I bought them, the stock price dropped further
and I bought more until I have no more fund in my usd margin account
! this is bad
It is definitely the wrong way of stock trading
. Proper stock trading is to be guided by trading tools we have; we need to be aware of stock is on uptrend or downtrend, couple with analysis using mcd/mcdx, bbd, trend ladders n if stock is on up or down trend
. If we are investing in a good stock we plan to keep it for long or mid-term, our emotion should not be affected by the stock movement. We should follow the plan (plan inclusdes how much fund we will put to trade) we have in place, how much to enter to Buy and how much to sell
. If we like to do a short term trade when good stock retrace, we should buy at price the analysis at that points, and once we get to Buy, we should immediately put to sell at price we analyzed to sell
Though I am a new learner, I hope the mistakes I have made in this sharing, helps those who tend to be affected by emtions when trade. Wishing all mooers, merry xmas n a strong n successful 2022