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My Christmas Wishlist for 2022
Views 176K Contents 1253

我的2022圣诞心愿单(2022 Christmas wish lists)

My wished functions and service to be provided by Moomoo in year 2022:
1) crypto trading function to be introduced, many are looking forward to it :)
2) “short percentage of float”, would it be possible to show the most up to date number, at the moment, the information provided by Moomoo is lagging behind by almost a month, seems only updated on a monthly basis? (though already quite nice that Moomoo provide such info for free, much better service than other trading platforms)
3) more funds selection plus function allowing investors to subscribe to newly issued bonds with small subscription slot (SGD 100K or less), not sure if it is possible.
4) more trading products please, such as FX option and the key stock index futures tracking stock index in the major developed and deveoping markets (Japan, India, UK, etc)
5) possible to have historical Volatility data for every product?
6) last but not but not the least, more cute Futu figurines and stock price of $Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$ going to the moo
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  • moneyrabbit OP : Another 2 points forgot to mention: 7) introduce trading support for SRS account. It is a big thing in Singapore, gonna be a stable b lucrative market for Futu; 8) possible to merge the future and stock accounts instead of have several different accounts? It is a bit troublesome to every time transfer cash into future account to in order to start future trading. 9) Possible to have overall margin calculation done on a portfolio basis across various products including stocks, future and options?  This is based on feedback from a couple of professional PM/Traders, pls don’t miss it.[undefined]@Team moomoo
