Dear Santa Moo,
I wish for a “save button” and “save folder” for posts. Oftentimes, I had to halt my writing abruptly as I need to attend to other urgent matters. The screen will indicate “Draft Saved” with a pop-up icon.
Santa Moo, I have always wondered… where exactly is the draft being saved to? Whenever I exit the page or app, I cannot retrieve the draft anymore. I am sure many Mooers who actively participates in discussions will appreciate these 2 useful functions as well.
Christmas Wishlist for 2022
Most people will be in the exact same place next Christmas, as they are today. Don’t be most people.
As it may be a challenging time for some, you may wish to also share festive happiness with poor people (rich from heart) or homeless pets by giving food, snacks, clothes, etc…
Sharing happiness with others is the realest and best thing we can actually do, instead of solely making grand wishes ( or setting big goals or resolutions ) during a festive season.
Evelynne : The article is really well written and has been influenced
HopeAlways : In the moomoo community, we can grow by lifting others up.
HuatEver : Your compassion and kindness gives an added value to life. When we fulfil an act of kindness our body releases feel-good chemicals.
KT88 :
KT88 Evelynne : This is so true!
HuatLady : A valuable reflection of your thoughfulness.Your Legacy of sharing will certainly inject POSITIVITY into our Moomoo community.
Syuee OP Evelynne :
KT88 : Such an awe-inspiring article. Thank you for the wise sharing. Your positivity is so infectious!
GratefulPanda : Thanks for bringing this to light! I also can't find my saved posts, and especially when I accidentally pressed the back button It would really be great if there was a save botton or at least make it easier for us to locate the drafts. I rem I located it once and then I can't it the next time... it's like hidden in the matrix or something
Syuee OP Evelynne : Kindness begets kindness.
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