1.More Rational, Less Emotional- you will tend not to be affected by market volatility. This allows you to sleep better at night. Generally, long term investing is less stressful vis-à-vis trading
2.You don’t have to time the market- time in market over timing the market. And staying invested throughout will leverage on compounding interest. A lot of people underestimate the power of it.
3.Save time- when you don’t have to try to time the market, it saves a lot of your time as you don’t need to do research or watch the market movements daily
4.Lesser investment risks- a lot of people also underestimate this portion. Swing / day traders definitely face more risks. But that doesn’t mean their method is wrong/not good - these traders put in lots of time and efforts to manage the risk. Hence kudos to them. Everyone has their own plan and risk appetite, that’s all I can say
5.Be part of the company- by holding stocks over long term means you’re part of the company (in a way). You will grow with the company and join its journey to success (hopefully!)
6.Bonus: Make friends- you can meet like minded people and shout “to the moon” with the fellow long term stock holders :)
Much thanks! Hope your holidays are Moo-tiful! I don't post much, but read and analyze so really appreciate all the 'Great Horned Mooers' out here that are so willing to share and cultivate the herd! Most Happy of Holidays to all and here's to a bright future with Moo-tiful green pastures for this herd to graze to the moon!
LONG TERM INVESTOR : Totally agreed.
Mittchell : AWESOME article ,it is beneficial for me to learn.especially more rational ,less emotional
Cow Moo-ney OP LONG TERM INVESTOR : Fellow long term investor
Cow Moo-ney OP Mittchell : Glad that you find it useful, even if it’s just abit!
Ladypeg : Every little bit helps us baby moos
Cow Moo-ney OP Ladypeg : Nice to hear that! Happy holidays to you
Ladypeg : Much thanks! Hope your holidays are Moo-tiful!
I don't post much, but read and analyze so really appreciate all the 'Great Horned Mooers' out here that are so willing to share and cultivate the herd!
Most Happy of Holidays to all and here's to a bright future with Moo-tiful green pastures for this herd to graze to the moon!
Cow Moo-ney OP Ladypeg : Haha love the puns! Anyway I am also a moo baby on this platform. Hoping to learn more from the senior moo-ers