to those who are crying "glitch"
they have been "looking into" it all day.
it's still 40% as of December. they changed the date to the November update around 11am. (the 20%) then changed it BACK to the 40% around 2pm.
this is VERIFIED. it's NOT. a glitch.
cry harder hedge shills.
Robert Peterson OP : retail- 80%
Robert Peterson OP : even if you include institutions in retail.
Questionable Invts : Yeah, hedgies chills!!! Am sooo gonna short hell out of AMC after it rips, i cash out & MOASS reaches it limit!!!! Kick in hedgies teeth!!! How's that for reinvesting?
DumpTheMoneyAMC : It seems like none of the 4 million retail traders would sell it. If it were to actually retail, it would still be 80%, and those agencies would buy train tickets or air tickets
simplyZuan : meme ...
Robert Peterson OP Questionable Invts : any company that prints out puts when it amc rips deserves to lose thier money haha