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$Lucid Group (LCID.US)$ Lucid Group's valuation is too expen...

$Lucid Group (LCID.US)$ Lucid Group's valuation is too expensive and is also labeled as the next Tesla, in fact, for three main reasons. One is that Lucid's CEO and CTO, Peter Rawlinson, was chief vehicle engineer from 2009 to 2012 and oversaw the development of Tesla's Model S sedan; two, Lucid's first electric car, the LucidAir sedan, can travel 520 miles on a single charge. That's more than 100 miles more than the maximum range of Tesla's longest-range car, the Model S Long Range; and three, Lucid has ambitious goals for the future. It only recently started shipping its first 520 custom Dream Edition Lucid Air sedans, but it plans to produce 20,000 cars in 2022 and 500,000 cars a year by 2030.
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  • Cuter OP : But in fact, a careful analysis finds it unlikely. Lucid does not have the first-mover advantage of Tesla, and Lucid faces many challenges, including continued losses, production cuts due to a global shortage of cores, and fierce competition in the market. Tesla started early, enjoyed the initial dividends of electric vehicles, and stood firm before the traditional auto giants transitioned. And it has successfully shaped Tesla's brand value in the process of competing with other new energy car companies.

  • Cuter OP : So valuations are too expensive, mean reversion in the long run and stock prices will kill! The bubble is obvious

  • ivantansg : i would agree that it might seem overvalued.. but even for tsla.. at current valuation , they are overvalued as well... its all about believing the future... you are right to say that tsla has first mover advantage... , but that does not deter lcid to excel in their technology and progress. . to investor that have stake on lcid.. they are staking on the future and definitely not at current valuation..

  • Dylinh ivantansg : well stated and corrected

  • Cuter OP ivantansg : It's not bad to bet on a future.😃😃

  • ivantansg : i wouldnt use the word "bet". as all investor that stake on whichever stock have some fundamental to fall back on. especially so with stock that show ridiculous PE ratio.. for ur info.. tsla pe ratio is 351.. which mean ... if we do not look at growth and speculative potential using your so call "bet" mindset...

    u need to invest usd351 to get a yearly return of usd1 from a tsla stock ? does this seem overvalued ???

  • ivantansg : just to add on , i have position in tsla as well... but i buy it because i believe in it... same as lcid

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