Yes, it's confusing at first. take your time and use their courses to learn and grow. one of the best tips I (sadly!) had to learn the hard way...stay away from "pay for" help, they get you in for one amount, then just feed you b.s. articles about how good they are, then when you're part of their club, every thing costs more and more! stick with MooMoo and Stash for now. join Reddit and Twitter and stick with people that give information freely, when they ask for money...think "scammer". If anyone I happy with a pay for service please prove me wrong...
Will73 : In a way,and they give out free stock too
check this out
Nick94928 : Yes, it's confusing at first. take your time and use their courses to learn and grow. one of the best tips I (sadly!) had to learn the hard way...stay away from "pay for" help, they get you in for one amount, then just feed you b.s. articles about how good they are, then when you're part of their club, every thing costs more and more! stick with MooMoo and Stash for now. join Reddit and Twitter and stick with people that give information freely, when they ask for money...think "scammer". If anyone I happy with a pay for service please prove me wrong...