yury : no
傻B先生 : Diamond hands. Stay strong together
Sandra Justus OP : thank you I truly appreciate it
Erick Sorensen : sold mine
Sandra Justus OP : why
Sandra Justus OP Erick Sorensen : why did you sell yours
Erick Sorensen : not one I would pick personally and hold on to for no reason. I don't see value in it.
Sandra Justus OP : I didn't pick it I got it for free
Sandra Justus OP : I just want to know what kind of stock is this
yury : no
傻B先生 : Diamond hands. Stay strong together
Sandra Justus OP : thank you
I truly appreciate it
Erick Sorensen : sold mine
Sandra Justus OP : why
Sandra Justus OP Erick Sorensen : why did you sell yours
Erick Sorensen : not one I would pick personally and hold on to for no reason. I don't see value in it.
Sandra Justus OP : I didn't pick it I got it for free
Sandra Justus OP : I just want to know what kind of stock is this