huatSG : alot sold at 23
Dirtman huatSG : AMC is not for them...
MiniApe OP huatSG : Doesnt matter for paper hands. We are all here for a purpose…
102351996 huatSG : bought more at 23!!
Konman : I think a lot of us made up for the sellers. I keep reading about people buying this dip. I grabbed fiddy. why not?!!
Machiavellis3rdEye : What’s a nice pre-moass buyers window, just bought more
huatSG : alot sold at 23
Dirtman huatSG : AMC is not for them...
MiniApe OP huatSG : Doesnt matter for paper hands. We are all here for a purpose…
102351996 huatSG : bought more at 23!!
Konman : I think a lot of us made up for the sellers. I keep reading about people buying this dip. I grabbed fiddy. why not?!!
Machiavellis3rdEye : What’s a nice pre-moass buyers window, just bought more