Letting go of bad trades is absolutely crucial. It is hard to be profitable in all trades, there would be likely losses. Apart from managing the risks, do be mentally prepared to let go. Do not hold grudges, it is bad for your health and could affect your subsequent trading journey. Make it a point to move to next trades.
My 2 cents on keeping a positively healthy mindset while trading and I'm still constantly reminding myself to follow the above.
Trade safely, my friends!
WYCKOFFPRO : let go and move on. Well said.
IcySilver OP WYCKOFFPRO : It takes a lot of mental strength to convince myself to move on sometimes… especially if involving losses…
Meta Moo IcySilver OP : overcome the emotion and eat some happy snacks
IcySilver OP Meta Moo : Yep! CNY around the corner, eat some cookies!