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The stack of meat from today’s hunt

For the hunt today, I used CALL arrows. I studied which game to target well before market open. I didn’t take my shots right at market open. I stalked my prey
The stack of meat from today’s hunt
I bagged a couple small ones with $Cisco (CSCO.US)$ and $Intel (INTC.US)$ with 21% being my smallest of the four I took today. When you fire your shot makes a HUGE difference. Compare my 300%+ return on $Lucid Group (LCID.US)$ with the return
The stack of meat from today’s hunt
of a measly 30% or so had I bought at close yesterday or at open today. I waited until about an hour after open when I determined the reversal beginning and I shot 4 call arrows costing 1.08 each. Each one hit and returned 4.58. my volley that cost 432 total paid off 1830 total.
On an overall red day for $IBM Corp (IBM.US)$ , because of when I timed my shot, I was able to shoot 2 call arrows costing $.73 or 146 total and they hit for 191 or 382 total returning 160%+ . compare that with the -70%I would have realized had I instead bought them before close yesterday.
The stack of meat from today’s hunt
people have different styles of hunting and some investors just choose to set traps and have passive strategies. I am very active in how I stalk stock (haha). And some people will say oh well you can’t compare because everyone’s technique is different. I say bullshit you can always compare. What were your returns today compared to mine? but I paid a higher cost for my returns because I put in more time and attention the 95% of all the other hunters out there.
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  • 70143329 : so you bought call and put option right? congrats on the gains.  I watched lcid but didn't pull the trigger.

  • Mike Hunt OP 70143329 : These were all calls today.  Yesterday was puts. I don’t pay for TH ETA because my M.O.  is to be in and out on the same day and occasionally I might hold for one night but no more than that.  If you have a situation with an outcome that pays 3 to 1 you can have a couple trials of complete loss of everything and but then your one successful trial at a minimum breaks you even.  If you hit on first or second trial, you are way ahead. I don’t recommend the strategy to anybody because it’s difficult to manage and be successful at. It takes putting in the work to determine which side the hedges are on the trade

  • Mike Hunt OP 70143329 : The key to the strategy is to have small individual trials of between $200 in $1000 for each. That allows you to keep powder available for a second trial etc. I call it small stakes high risk option trading or SSHORT for short

  • Mike Hunt OP Mike Hunt OP : I meant SSHROT

  • Mike Hunt OP : It’s a technique that I develop myself through trial and error and I think a normal person who tries this approach without understanding the Nuggets I had to learn through bad mistakes, they lose their ass trying to do single day all call or all put days

  • Mike Hunt OP 70143329 : I pulled the trigger by recognizing the algorithm certain stocks were under. Compare all these charts for the stocks I have in the “growth stock” folder I created on @Investing with moomoo@moomoo Lily@Popular on moomoo@moo_Earnings@Moomoo News SGapp.

  • 70143329 Mike Hunt OP : Cool! Nice to see it is working for you. I also am  learning to get in and out the trade the same day, it is tough having keep an eye like a hawk on the chart all day long.. You buy the nearest  expiration date not 2 weeks or longer-term  right?

  • Mike Hunt OP 70143329 : I have a couple options expiring January 21 and Feb 21 but not many

I block accounts with no name, pic, trading history or posts that try to follow me. Sorry hedges