amc will be between 32-34 on jan 16th, play your cards right...disclaimer: not financial advice. very well educated "guess", chastise me if I'm wrong, but I won't be
Rich Jacob
Flaming Deals
Lol ok? What do you base that statement on? I’m guessing you don’t even know what the float of AMC is, and you own stock in the company.
Rich Jacob
Margin call. And no one can convince me its not high as mt. Everest. You can go read many public reports, Margin across the entire market is highest ever been in history of the world. AMC’s entire float has been traded over 57 times. Thats more than google, Amazon, Tesla, and Apple combined. AA said retail owned 90%. We owned 80% in June. So from June to the end of the year we traded 26 times (roughly half) the entire float about 14 billion shares when retail is buying 3/2-1, only to gain just another 10%?? Dont do the math, do the logic and explain how thats even possible without mega margin, algorithmic high freqency trades off lit exchange and naked shorting??? HOW??
mrlooneybin : amc will be between 32-34 on jan 16th, play your cards right...disclaimer: not financial advice. very well educated "guess", chastise me if I'm wrong, but I won't be
mrlooneybin : 17
Rich Jacob : You know how many millions of dollars would need to be pumped into this stock for it to reach $50 even?
Flaming Deals Rich Jacob : It’s going to 10k soon
Cardinal-BagHolder mrlooneybin : If the institutions started buying back what they owe it would blow past that in 10 min. Just saying.
Rich Jacob Flaming Deals : Lol ok?
What do you base that statement on? I’m guessing you don’t even know what the float of AMC is, and you own stock in the company.
Rich Jacob Cardinal-BagHolder : And what would prompt an institution to be interested in buying AMC stock?
Cardinal-BagHolder Rich Jacob : Margin call. And no one can convince me its not high as mt. Everest. You can go read many public reports, Margin across the entire market is highest ever been in history of the world. AMC’s entire float has been traded over 57 times. Thats more than google, Amazon, Tesla, and Apple combined. AA said retail owned 90%. We owned 80% in June. So from June to the end of the year we traded 26 times (roughly half) the entire float about 14 billion shares when retail is buying 3/2-1, only to gain just another 10%?? Dont do the math, do the logic and explain how thats even possible without mega margin, algorithmic high freqency trades off lit exchange and naked shorting??? HOW??