Rumors, though squashed by the management, that an impending merger of MLT and MINT is on the cards set the price plunging. Very negative sentiments. And of course, there will be shortists grabbing this opportunity.
And the market capitalization of MLT of $8.5B is slightly higher than MINT of $7B. If there is a merger, then it’ll be MLT acquiring MINT. Naturally, MLT price will suffer.
Sianzsation : That is painful I saw the issues price was 1.84 and when in below this price yet still free falling. What’s the catalyst, no idea
solistice Sianzsation : Rumors, though squashed by the management, that an impending merger of MLT and MINT is on the cards set the price plunging. Very negative sentiments. And of course, there will be shortists grabbing this opportunity.
solistice : And the market capitalization of MLT of $8.5B is slightly higher than MINT of $7B. If there is a merger, then it’ll be MLT acquiring MINT. Naturally, MLT price will suffer.