Right now with the market rigged against retail investors, from govt to banks to market makers and hedge funds all colluding and allowing illegal naked shorting, it is pretty much gambling unless you basically like to short stocks (cuz we’re not blind, we can clearly see what’s happening if you watch the market long enough). It truly hurts the underlying company along with its employees. So dont complain about the faltering economy, high interest rates, supply chain shortages, jobs, etc. in the coming months if you short.
I also know there are prob many on here who will bash my comment and call me names, etc. but don’t waste your breath, I couldn’t care any less.
I’m convinced there are such greedy people they absolutely dont care who they have to gut to make their buck. Trust me, when 2008 happens all over again, I know you wouldn’t dare blame yourself...
ET Elly : Totally agree, feel the same, the victim of the air force