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Nasdaq hides deeper pain with over one-third of stocks down 50%

Movers and Shakers wrote a column · Jan 17, 2022 16:41
Nasdaq hides deeper pain with over one-third of stocks down 50%
Source: Bloomberg, Portfolio123
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  • 搞经济 抄底 加仓 : That is why Nasdaq is safe [undefined] less impact if things gose south [undefined]

  • Timothy Jessop : I'll have about 50K to invest and am new to the stock market game. Any advice on investing this money? This money will be coming from a settlement and I'm 53 years old with some mild disabilities, trying to create wealth to sustain me financially. Don't have any social security or income to count on. Need to make this money seriously work for me. I want to ask for advice so that I won't make the same mistakes that others have made in my situation. Thanks for your advice and sharing! God bless!!!

  • 71264238 Timothy Jessop : I would not put all your money in.  Find a professional because the market can eat half of your money in just a week if you choose the wrong stocks. WIth inflation at its highest, its hard to know the future.

  • eksp2 : 😀

  • PandaMoo Timothy Jessop : For note… I'm not working for MooMoo/Futu, and I also not an expert/certified trader, only share my good experience so far 2 mths trading here.
    Previously with banks and other platforms, not serious and commited, and went horribly wrong.

    Try to look at ETF, assuming you are not willing to actively day trading. Myself also put partial of my savings in Franklin MENA Fund, so far so good, accumulated gain since end Dec - 3.63%.
    Not bad.

    But if u want actively trading, you have to commit and ready for every gain/loss everyday. Many strategies can be learn and applied, nowadays can be learn from many sources (incl MoooMoo).
    Do Your Own Research, do not involve emotional or gut feeling.
    Due diligence… check target price, minimum price, average, support, ressistance, be sceptical and test your own theory and gut feeling.

    Wishing you success, Timothy!

  • Yiggee : k

  • JunDimayuga Timothy Jessop : I suggest a monthly dividend stocks. LTC or PBA should do. Both high yielding on a monthly basis. I myself am trying to accumulate LTC.

  • Fazi smartoo Timothy Jessop : In current market, I will not put a Penny in it because it’s high inflation situation, rates are beginning to rise and this is all you have. Find something better In which you have more control over it. Trust me you can lose half of your money in a week. This game is more for ppl who have extra money to park somewhere and don’t need For time being. Otherwise big institutions and individuals Can eat you alive. Best strategy to beat them is to pick good companies and Grow with them. Up and down is going to be part of it but stay with them. You will get rewarded.

  • 70952608 Timothy Jessop : i always make the mistake on rushing to buy thinking that the price would not drop more, buy few stocks and buy very little that way if the price drops you can buy more, buy buy only if it drops more than 20% and keep adding like that, price always drops more and if some give you profit sell and wait ti'll the price fall even lower than what you pay.

  • Mrrichierich Timothy Jessop : I’d definitely spit it up into a few ETF’s they don’t have the drastic moves that most the markets been going through!! Like the RIGZ, and META ETF’s

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