In a movie that plays in my head, the typical investor buys something at $100. If it goes to $120, he says, “I think I’m onto something – I should add,” and if it reaches $150, he says, “Now I’m highly confident – I’m going to double up.”
On the other hand, if it falls to $90, he says, “I’m going to think about increasing my position to reduce my average cost,” but at $75, he concludes he should reconfirm his thesis before averaging down further. At $50, he says, “I’d better wait for the dust to settle before buying more.” And at $20 he says, “It feels like it’s going to zero; get me out!”
ProfitTogether : Interesting to read but have to wait until the whole write up is complete before making a conclusion.
Good read.
71068725 : A lot of beginner investors don’t understand the market don't know how to read charts, or index and All that comes with stocks so they tend to make the mistake of selling low or buying high
DipKing :

Spearhead : Good
squarema : This article uncovers the behavior of most retail investors including me. I used to sell just because the price of stocks dropped more than I can withstand. Yes, the psychology theory is correct. when the stock dropped too low, one can start to lose confidence and sell immediately to prevent further loss. The panicky feeling is all too familiar, just like getting on a bungee ride. So, is investing a game to you? Are you chasing for that adrenaline rush?
Pius Wawire : This is good
DamVaz1 : Indeed…and the real money is in the minute trades when their just oscillating within a few percentage points….
101754615 : The writer failed to distinguish between speculative plays in "growth" stocks and investment in big-cap dividend-paying "blue chip" stocks. For the former, it would be irresponsible not to set a stop-loss and profit-taking price targets.
Pochong 101754615 : You will be silly to follow those seemingly "good advice" from gurus and market writers. Do not listen to the mainstream media news, gurus or chatroom alerts. Just open your brokerage charts and trade the chart patterns. Thats all.
Ttt Taylor : lol up
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