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Comparison forms cognition: What can Stock Compare bring us?
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Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

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When you step into a mall to buy something, you may hear conflicting recommendations. You know what you need, but you haven't decided what to buy yet. Take buying clothes as an example. How do you know which one best suits you? Salesman A said, "My clothes are made of pure wool so that they are very comfortable." Salesman B objected and said, "No one would wear that clothes in such hot weather. Try mine on, and you will feel cool. Most importantly, this one is cheaper"... What would you do when you hear two completely different opinions? Most of us will make comparisons between the two. Before that, we need to select reference objects to establish criteria. Otherwise, how can we make optimal choices?

The same goes for picking stocks. Buffett once said that in investing, we buy companies, not stocks. If you don't have a steel scale in your mind, how do you know what is good and bad? After setting the baseline, we should know where to look. This is where moomoo's Stock Compare feature comes into play.

1st Entry: Tap "Quotes" at the bottom and then "Explore" at the top. You can find the "Investment Tools" section and "Stock Compare" in it. Tap "Stock Compare" to enter a new interface shown on the right side below. Tap the plus mark to add up to 6 stocks to compare.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

2nd Entry: Go to the "Detailed Quotes" page of a particular stock and find the symbol on the right side. Up to 2 companies can be added by names or tickers. After that, you can compare the price trends with one another, as shown below.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

3rd Entry: Go to the "Detailed Quotes" page of a particular stock, switch to the "Financial" section, and tap "Indicators". You will find "Stock Compare" within the "Key Indicators" section, as shown below.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices
So, what's next? Still don't know how to use it? Don't freak out. Please scroll down. We can get the whole thing straight together.

Let's take a look at the main parts of the feature. First, there is a chart at the top. Then, you can customize the "Currency" and "Period" of the data. After that, you can see the "Quotes", "Valuations", "Analysis", "Financial Indicator", and "Financial Data" sections by scrolling down the page.

The bar or line chart clearly shows the specific data of different stocks. You can choose what kind of data to be displayed in the chart by tapping the names of indicators.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

Currency Unit & Statistical Period
In this section, you can select the "Currency", such as "SGD" and "USD", and "Period", such as "Q1", for your data. The results of financial indicators may change in accordance with the length of time periods.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

In this section, you can view the quotes of the selected stocks, including closing prices, market caps, trading volume, turnovers. You can get a visual on the trends of different stocks in the chart at the top.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

Key valuation indicators such as EPS, P/E, P/B are familiar to most investors. If you want to understand the reasonable price range and avoid value traps, you should pay more attention to the indicators in this section.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

The main indicators of this section are related to capital and cash flows, which are vital to the evaluation of company performance. Understanding the financial situation of companies could help us make better investing decisions. By keeping an eye on the movement of funds, we might be able to capture the market sentiments and capital preferences to get ahead of most investors and yield good results in the long term.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

Financial Indicators
Buying a stock is buying a company. It is wise to create an economic moat to explore a target company's advantages over its competitors. The financial indicators in this section could help you compare the profitability and capabilities to find the companies with strong competitiveness in the market.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

Financial Data
Apart from the above financial indicators, data from the latest financial reports of the stocks are also presented in this feature. You can view and compare the companies' revenues, profits, assets, liabilities, and other data.
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices
After learning how powerful the feature is, are you wondering what to do with the tools and indicators mentioned above? Don't panic. Let's take a look at some useful tips.

Compare the performance of different stocks in the same industry and market to uncover the underlying investment opportunities of the undervalued stocks. (For example, you can compare the price trends of $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ , $General Motors (GM.US)$ , and $Ford Motor (F.US)$ in the US stock market.)
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

Compare the stocks that are in the same industry but different markets. (For example, you can compare $Nokia Oyj (NOK.US)$ in the US stock market and $XIAOMI-W (01810.HK)$ in the HK stock market.)
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

Compare a stock with the major indices to see if the stock outperforms the market. (For example, you can compare $Apple (AAPL.US)$ with $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ or $Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$.)
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices
Comparison Forms Cognition, Leading to the "Right" Choices

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Now – Jan 25 23:59 PM (SGT)

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