Looks like I'm in the minority here - I want to stay home!
If anything positive came from this pandemic it's been the freedom of choice for so many to work from home or anywhere.
Employers have been resistant to telecommuting for years until forced into it. I. fir one, am thrilled!
My husband came out of retirement to work remotely for a bank in another State. He's so much happier now.
There is no reason for him to have to spend 12+ hours per week commuting, waste money on dry cleaning bills, fancy lunches, work clothes or gas.
It's like getting a raise to stay home. I'm not talking about the millions who have just quit their jobs - I'm only referring to the millions who should've had a choice to work from home or not.
My other disclaimer? I've been married 26 years to the most wonderful man on the planet and I'm delighted he gets to do something he loves and that I still get to see him 24/7 and have lunch with him everyday.
People quitting their jobs have also made a personal choice. With minimum wage stagnating for over 20 years as CEO pay rose astronomically I can't blame the minimum wage folks. They deserve livable wages, ESPECIALLY in a pandemic.
I guess my point here is personal choice has never been more available regarding our work/life balance.
Those that prefer to drive that annoying commute to deal with Fred from accounting who always has coffee breath and won't shut up, good for you.
Those that prefer to commute from bed to office Fred-free in their bunny slippers and bathrobe, good for you.
Those realizing that minimum wage is an absolute travesty of justice and doesn't cover the cost of childcare, gas, cleaning, etc., good for you.
boardndahouse18 : Been a SAHM since 2016. I worked for 6 months after my first born and hated the corporate system in this country (USA) around childcare. I trade stocks and options now and I absolutely love it. I am continually learning so I brush up on my skills and risk management.
Mama Cass OP : Congratulations and good for you!! Kids need their Moms and I'm so happy for you that you get to be home AND work!
I loved being home with mine. It was so hard leaving them in daycare. I have 2 college grads and 1 college senior now - it flew by so fast!
71673408 : Employers are so use to telling you what to do
When they have no one to rule they become
frantic an fall apart
Let them eat cake
Mama Cass OP 71673408 : You got that right! Remote working eliminates the need for middle management that has no other purpose than to walk around and annoy people doing actual work!
wdoug4 : I concur, if your job can be done productively and effectively (and in many cases efficiently) on a remote basis, then allowing trustworthy people to work remotely would appear to be a no-brainer!
Jermaine Woodson5 : mama Cass, do u have any advice on me learning options I would really appreciate the help & any helpful websites. How did u learn??
Mama Cass OP Jermaine Woodson5 : Jermaine, I'm so sorry, the only options trading I've ever done were those gifted to me when I worked for AT&T and CitiBank that I redeemed.
MooMoo has excellent courses on the subject, that's all the advice I can give on options. I don't know anything about them.
Good luck friend!
Jeff Boyd : Can understand and most of the people I work with feel the same way. It has been terrible for me. Before COVID I rode my bike to work (in Wisconsin winters). Was a 50 minute ride each way so I got so much exercise. Put on weight and lost the discipline to exercise. Hopefully I'll get back into it at some point in time.
Mama Cass OP Jeff Boyd : You're right, there are down sides. Especially the loss of socialization and in your case exercise. I really hope you get that back.
You could ride to the office and back (or a new route) in the morning.
I know I've put on Covid pounds myself. It's hard to get out of my pajamas most days so exercise is not exactly top priority!