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US jobless claims hit 3-month high: Stay home or back to office?
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Got out of prison during all this and now I really can find ...

Got out of prison during all this and now I really can find a job anywhere not only because I'm a felon but no one is hiring because of covid so even if I didn't want to be stuck home I'm stuck home by force of covid.
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  • Mcsnacks H Tupack : I’ve been a felon since I was 14. Never stopped me from working at some of biggest firms in the nation. Sounds to me like you want to point and blame everything except the root cause of your problems. You. It easier to be a quitter if it’s the worlds fault and not yours.

  • Dons hobby Mcsnacks H Tupack : 100% agree I got out of the joint, not jail in 1984 and have always owned my own company all my life. I have owned carpet cleaning companies antique car resterartion company, Insurance consulting firm.
    Point is if your ever gonna get ahead find something YOU LIKE and do it till you can get enough money to open a business of your own because you will never get rich making someone else rich.
    I had zero NOTTA nothing when I got out. I dealt with people that had their stuff together made alliances and business contacts and manuvered things around to the point I could open my first company. Small steps make the journey very stable and the future as well.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack Dons hobby : I remember when I retired and needed something flexible to do while the kids where in school, keep me in shape and not bored. My aunt asked me to clear some old barns and houses off a couple of hundred thousand acres she had and instead of just digging a hole and then bulldozing them into it, I decided to tear them down piece by piece recycling what I could. Would you believe I made over 30,000 in a month recycling all the aluminum and other metals? And there were alot of old Knick knacks from the 1860’s to the 1960’s that were in them so I loaded them up and took them to a lady who sold things like that in a shop and online and she gave me 3,000 for all of it. I could have gotten 3x that but I’m not a salesman. All that and I worked about 70-80 hrs maybe that month. After that had my aunts friends and some of mine asking me to pick up tons of metals they wanted to get rid of. Some all I did was drop off my trailer then pick it up after they filled it. Easy money for 3 years
