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One thing for sure, these rich people that is shorting us, will blame us for not selling.

I’m used to being poor/average. I’m fine eating in places with no air conditioning, trust me these rich people don’t. their EGO is what made AMC/GME BEING A monstrous play like this.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$
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  • King of fried rice : I eat without aircon everyday

  • hodl the dip : i eat left overs , to buy AMC

  • Betterthangold : People are selling because of fear of the current administration running this country in the ground!!

  • 102152318 : Why do you keep falling? should I give up? Lentinus edodes is hard to lose weight.

  • DayleyTrades OP : Good for y’all I eat left over food from my community cat bowl.

  • hodl the dip : if i get really hungry , ill go to hedges house wnd steal their food , for real .

  • Johnny_G : I've been rationing my crayons for several months now

  • Rich Jacob : In my opinion, GME is a much better investment. It’s cheaper, considering the share float, they have 0 debt, sales and projections are up for this past year, the price swings are a lot more profitable for swing traders, and Ryan Cohen is the chairman. I mean come on … do you guys know what he did with Chewy?

  • Machiavellis3rdEye Betterthangold : Stop it with the moronic polarizing fluff please. Politics haven’t been politics for decades now, probably longer than that. And Anyone out there still using turn signals to describe politics today… well…is just another one of the happily ignorant grazing sheep. (Although I do wonder if its another play on language, as switching from left to right is most def a signal of turn or change.) Eating up all their media propped illusions of choice.
    Didn’t trump have to switch sides just to take the planet’s biggest puppet position we are trained to call US Prez?
    “People” may not be selling at all… I feel it’s impossible to determine accurately when the sources of data are all coming from the very people who corrupt it. To blame any one “administration” for anything is just careless.

  • John 3 16 : I really appreciate leftovers because my wife prepared tasty food. Not only I save money to buy more AMC shares but also I dont have to worry if the food was fresh and if it was prepared with clean hands.
