KAIZERLOH : omg... dip nonstop
Mister65 : Getting bad to worst
graykang : I released some of it and hold the rest.
KAIZERLOH : When's the dividend ex date?
102423670 OP KAIZERLOH : not sure, but seems like it's only annual?
KAIZERLOH 102423670 OP : I saw online that it says quarterly somewhere
102423670 OP KAIZERLOH : you are right The UOB APAC Green REIT ETF aims for a dividend yield of up to four per cent5 based on the earnings potential of real estate companies focused on their sustainability performance. It targets to distribute dividends on a quarterly basis.source: https://www.uobgroup.com/uobgroup/newsroom/2021/uobam-green-reits-etf.page?path=data/uobgroup/2021/200&cr=segment
guruinthemaking : What with this stock. Why perform so badly
KAIZERLOH : omg... dip nonstop
Mister65 : Getting bad to worst
graykang : I released some of it and hold the rest.
KAIZERLOH : When's the dividend ex date?
102423670 OP KAIZERLOH : not sure, but seems like it's only annual?
KAIZERLOH 102423670 OP : I saw online that it says quarterly somewhere
102423670 OP KAIZERLOH : you are right
The UOB APAC Green REIT ETF aims for a dividend yield of up to four per cent5 based on the earnings potential of real estate companies focused on their sustainability performance. It targets to distribute dividends on a quarterly basis.
source: https://www.uobgroup.com/uobgroup/newsroom/2021/uobam-green-reits-etf.page?path=data/uobgroup/2021/200&cr=segment
guruinthemaking : What with this stock. Why perform so badly