Many of the most valuable startups are already giants in their fields. The world's most valuable private company is China-based ByteDance, the developer of the content platforms Tik Tok, Douyin, and Toutiao, reaching a $140B valuation following an investment from Tiger Global Management in 2020.
Darth Magnavox : use proof read spacing please, decacorn, hectocorn, not whilehectocornis, or fordecacorn..... see? don't use big words to sound dumb..... moo
Revelation 6 Darth Magnavox : Wow, you couldn’t do any better that that. I bet you mom so proud. It’s good to know that you are so perfect that you are above error.
Revelation 6 Darth Magnavox : Capitalization, punctuation and sentence structure must not be your strong suits. I’ve seen fifth and sixth graders write better, more complete sentences than you. Maybe you should consider returning to third and forth grade English/Grammar class.
70155773 : There must be a few that will survive in 2022... what do you think
Natasha Heston-Jones Revelation 6 : Seriously… this person is obviously overwhelmed by all of this Covid that they have become A keyboard Karen! Wow…
Dons hobby Revelation 6 : Why do people that sound stupid have no clue they are. Higher education does not look good on some people especially the ones that THINK they are superior but are really are just pissed off at life in general.
Dons hobby Revelation 6 : 1st or 2nd grade more like it.
Revelation 6 Dons hobby : I agree.