People cannot predict the market.
So let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below and tell about: Does history repeat itself? Why or why not?
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That's all for this week! Wish you a happy Chinese New Year!
doctorpot1 : action cause reaction, reaction causes action. Albert Einstein once said that 'insanity' was 'Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting to achieve different results. Thus, history will continue to repeat itself as long as we are doing the same thing over and over again.
PlutoMoo102685100 : At all stages Keep your Sanity!![undefined [undefined]](
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May you be granted the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, courage to change the things you can, and wisdom to know the difference.![undefined [undefined]](
Humans have a pattern of behaviour that are often repeated. This is why technical analysis exist. But each time though the pattern is observable it comes in different variations because people can learn and change!
PlutoMoo102685100 doctorpot1 : Humanity == Insanity![undefined [undefined]](
PlutoMoo102685100 doctorpot1 :
Cardinal-BagHolder : Knowledge stage: I have learned and know for fact the market is cyclical and will crash and will rebound at some point. I have ZERO plans to sell at the bottom. I will dollar cost average down and continue to do do until the market returns. When it does (and ive already seen how high it can go) i’ll sell somewhere near the top knowing full well it will take years.
J-Zil :![undefined [undefined]](
Syuee : I believe history tends to repeat itself. The repetitive nature of price movements is often attributed to market psychology, which tends to be very predictable based on emotions like fear or excitement.
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People often say history repeats itself. So then why do we not learn from history?
After all, we are being taught about business cycles in economics.
PlutoMoo102685100 Syuee :![undefined [undefined]](
Milk The Cow : Of course history will repeat itself since it has proven time again & again![undefined [undefined]](
, which is very unlikely since the chance of that is very low.
If it turn out the opposite, then it really make a new history
PlutoMoo102685100 :
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