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The Market is down because Walk Street wants it down

The reason I know they do, is because right now the investors buying the most shares are retail investors. Walk Street was the biggest seller of equities in January but for Walk Street that’s not enough greed for them so they first short sell the stock then sell their millions of shares into the market. Stocks take a double beating, usually 5% knock down from the first then a 5% knockdown on the second. It’s why you here 10% correction so much.
Here’s how their plan unfolds:
First information is widely distributed to make investors wonder about the stability of the market and to put fear into those longs that hold stock. Next, high volume shorting takes place to drive the markets share prices down.
As the short attack continues, more media outlets parade out news to continue to put questions in the back of investors' minds. On a daily basis, shorts use computerized trading to control the direction of the share prices. At opportune times, the shorts overwhelm the buyers (bid prices) by selling short large number of shares to drive the share prices down and to eliminate the buyers for the stock market at that given time.
Shorts need to control the stock markets share prices over about a months time , and can't afford to just accumulate an unlimited number of short positions in the stock market, so they have to be selling shares at the same time to keep the prices from recovering.
After a month or a 10% correction the shorts will buy back as many shares as possible without causing the market prices to go up too fast, including shares where longs have put stop-loss sale orders to protect against downside losses. The shorts will only buy shares part of the way back up as the share price rises, and then wait for retail buyers to come into the market. If the stocks start to rise up to much too fast , Walk Street will repeat the same short selling and buying process to control the stocks. They wear down the longs and retail traders with rumor mongering as well as by creating fear as they continue to see the stocks go down from the computerized trading. They hope the longs and retail will give up and sell their shares at the lowest possible share price.
Walk street hopes the longs and retail out of frustration with the share price continuing downward will end up in capitulation where as many of them as possible just give up and sell their shares. This manipulation involves collusion between all the major players in the market.

There is only one way to beat them. Together as one. Divided we will fall. Right now they are winning because they have us running all over the place chasing them trying to pick up their scraps. We would need to get a good sized group to succeed. And it would take total commitment and every step be followed. No going rogue and bailing out unless it was with everyone at the same time for the same price. And it would be a list of 2-3 stocks at the beginning of the week. You can invest in all or just 1. But the buying in has to be coordinated to times. 2 buy in times per day(half of what you are investing the first time, the other half at a later time. And 1 sell per day. We can punish the shorts twice this way and this will deter them from shorting it back down over and over. I will only be able to give a list of the stocks and a buy in price and sell price. I cannot direct anyone to a certain stock out of the list of 3, that would make it manipulation and I’ll be walking a thin line already with it.
But I’m just brainstorming here because I’m tired of Walk Street and these hedges pissing on me and telling me it’s only rain and natural. And tired of them stealing everyone’s money with no repercussions. So let me know what you think. The Master Tiger will be waiting. 😎
@Machiavellis3rdEye @Mr Trecherous @winnie poooooh @pennypincher @Revelations 6 @Angieeee Ng @treydongui @飞黄_腾达
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  • mcstiner : if its a stock im fond of I may buy some... tbh im stuck inside most of my positions though and low on funds.

  • Angieeee Ng : Master cat become master tiger? 🐅

  • Angieeee Ng : Master I lost so much money, a bit by a bit each day 😭

  • Cat army : That's why I am the cat army. But ur cat army is in the biggest loss of all times and unable to pay rent now.

  • MS159 : I can't believe the prices of the stock market! I mean, it looks like when we were at the beginning of the pandemic 🤦and stocks have good news, but fall... It's like you can't really trust fundamentals anymore. I got tired of losing money. I found a deliciously low priced stock, and I'm just going to park it there cause it can't go any lower (I hope). There is tremendous fear in the market right now. And companies that do well just take off without warning... By the time you enter its not enough of a gain, so you wait for it to go up - only to see it tumble down taking away your gains. The only way to profit is to invest so heavy that then you'll be able to see some decent profit, but it must be an in an out situation.

  • Cat army : Which stock did you find bro

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP MS159 : Yea that’s why a stock with 5-7 million short shares is how you profit. All you want to do is make them cover then sell. Let them short it again right after which they will. Then buy in again, the last buy in you want to do 5min or less before AH closes.  So 5-10 min after  premarket opens you sell. Then move into a new stock. There are only 4 times a day that you should want to buy stock. Premarket opening. 90min before opening bell, 5 min before market closes, and 5min before After hours closes. Those are the four times during the day your purchase will have the most effect.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP mcstiner : I’m right there with everybody.  But they know that. They time these market pullbacks. They are done letting them go down. They have achieved their desired result. What they want now tho is for the stocks to go up gradually. This is how you can stick it to them and take a lot of their money. If it’s done right it has the possibility of causing a week of 50-100 squeezes a day. Think of the movie Trading Places.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Angieeee Ng : Yea mine is in bad shape. That’s why the first investment will get everyone a profit of about 800-900%. So that accounts can get kinda replenished. I’ve already got the stock worked so that it is ready if there are enough investors but also made sure it won’t require a bunch the first time. If there are 1500 investors and each invest 200.00 at the same buy in time then they can all sell 5-10min after that and turn the 200.00 into around 1800.00.

  • 旺 旺 : I’m tired to see my share now a day. All day been seeing red n losing my money tutor

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