$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$are you ready to be tested again? the real test will come a bit later. but if it goes to 12 I'll be surprised but not by much. it will be temporary so I'm not to worried. I am worried that people will sell 300-1000. hopefully the price will skyrocket pass that very quickly and you won't have to worry about people selling at low prices. the reason some say a thousand or less it's because the fact is people cannot be trusted or is it the people saying this have trust issues?
I don't follow every YouTuber or Twitter little clubs they have on there and believe in them whatsoever. we don't have a leader we don't have a floor but you sell whatever you sell at. I don't think 100k likely to happen but I think a few Grand can happen fairly easy. but I am holding for the best possible number.
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Questionable Invts
Honestly, max should be in range of $347-$674. Can't imagine financial institutions let alone regular everyday people holding beyond $674 especially in this economy & world issues. Greed is double edged sword!!! After scare tactic deployed during this run, reality set in for must individuals. Just look at their faces in those youtube videos.
Questionable Invts
End of day will hold max of 200 shares just incase price breaks 1k mark. Once squeeze is done AMC done / won't break $16 for awhile. I don't know what to do.
If there’s any other major squeeze plays this week take off(DWAC, RELI, BBIG, etc) it will temporarily affect price/momentum in AMC. Patience is key.
Questionable Invts : Honestly, max should be in range of $347-$674. Can't imagine financial institutions let alone regular everyday people holding beyond $674 especially in this economy & world issues. Greed is double edged sword!!! After scare tactic deployed during this run, reality set in for must individuals. Just look at their faces in those youtube videos.
ur wifes boyfriend OP : you might be watching too YouTube.lol
FlaminHotDealz Questionable Invts : I think might be more like 1-2k at least
FlaminHotDealz ur wifes boyfriend OP : Is it too high or low personally I feel 1k is quite reasonable
ur wifes boyfriend OP : whatever you want to sell at..
its your choice
Questionable Invts : End of day will hold max of 200 shares just incase price breaks 1k mark. Once squeeze is done AMC done / won't break $16 for awhile.
I don't know what to do.
ur wifes boyfriend OP : it's going to be interesting
Betterthangold : If there’s any other major squeeze plays this week take off(DWAC, RELI, BBIG, etc) it will temporarily affect price/momentum in AMC. Patience is key.
ur wifes boyfriend OP : big hopefully
Golden Goose : agreed
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