Well, there is the EXIT DOOR. No one is stopping you. Just don’t regret later……when it goes to the moon. Remember, if you do not sell your shares you don’t lose a cent. It’s only paper loss now which is the same as paper gain. You only earn when you sell at a profit. AMC is a rollercoaster ride and you should know better if you have done your own DD.
Zerocool888 : Well, there is the EXIT DOOR. No one is stopping you. Just don’t regret later……when it goes to the moon. Remember, if you do not sell your shares you don’t lose a cent. It’s only paper loss now which is the same as paper gain. You only earn when you sell at a profit. AMC is a rollercoaster ride and you should know better if you have done your own DD.
This is not a financial advise.
deluxe bean : #holding is key
Casperwolf OP deluxe bean : I know, was just trying to make light of the situation. thank you.
71104866 deluxe bean : HODL and buying is the key.
Questionable Invts : Buy & average down if you can.
Not financial advice / personal opinion.
Casperwolf OP : what do you mean by average down?
PrettyMoneY Zerocool888 : The ignorance, you got to learn how to chill!
Questionable Invts Casperwolf OP : Add more shares & reduce your overall share price.
AlphaWolf01 PrettyMoneY : He hates when people speaks the truth to him, people like him wont last long post MOASS
1388888888 : buy more and hold
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