天上真龙 : Hello! Is it time to buy it?
五福财神爷 OP 天上真龙 : More observation, the market is beginning to fall, today will fall below 16 yuan
Tiger C 天上真龙 : In addition to telling you to be careful, he told you to be careful, full of panic.
五福财神爷 OP Tiger C : Xiao San Nakamura, you have the guts to buy it now,
Sky light 五福财神爷 OP : Thank you, .
天上真龙 : Thank you
Tiger C : You guessed right today.
Tiger C : Sell at 17, buy it back at 16.47, talk about winning nothing
Sky light : Where are you?
五福财神爷 OP : Sky light.3 stocks will fall in the month, and everyone will stop as soon as possible, because interest rates will be raised in March.
天上真龙 : Hello! Is it time to buy it?
五福财神爷 OP 天上真龙 : More observation, the market is beginning to fall, today will fall below 16 yuan
Tiger C 天上真龙 : In addition to telling you to be careful, he told you to be careful, full of panic.
五福财神爷 OP Tiger C : Xiao San Nakamura, you have the guts to buy it now,
Sky light 五福财神爷 OP : Thank you, .
天上真龙 : Thank you
Tiger C : You guessed right today.
Tiger C : Sell at 17, buy it back at 16.47, talk about winning nothing
Sky light : Where are you?
五福财神爷 OP : Sky light.3 stocks will fall in the month, and everyone will stop as soon as possible, because interest rates will be raised in March.