伤脑筋哟 : Go, go!
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP 伤脑筋哟 : gogo
Riding Star 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP : Trump didn't come out to teach money. I want to make a phone call and blow on him.
simple fong : You should go to the comment section of nio counter to find a king apes. He should be able to help you. Brother of the little fairy Bodhisattva
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP simple fong :
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP : Brother's name, God of Wealth?
simple fong : Immortal child prodigy
simple fong : You'll know his pattern if you go there, king of apes.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP simple fong : Okok
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP simple fong : This
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伤脑筋哟 : Go, go!
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP 伤脑筋哟 : gogo
Riding Star 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP : Trump didn't come out to teach money. I want to make a phone call and blow on him.
simple fong : You should go to the comment section of nio counter to find a king apes. He should be able to help you. Brother of the little fairy Bodhisattva
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP simple fong :

不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP : Brother's name, God of Wealth?
simple fong : Immortal child prodigy
simple fong : You'll know his pattern if you go there, king of apes.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP simple fong : Okok

不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 OP simple fong : This
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